In this work, we focus on instance-level open vocabulary segmentation, intending to expand a segmenter for instance-wise novel categories without mask annotations. We investigate a simple yet effective framework with the help of image captions, focusing on exploiting thousands of object nouns in captions to discover instances of novel classes. Rather than adopting pretrained caption models or using massive caption datasets with complex pipelines, we propose an end-to-end solution from two aspects: caption grounding and caption generation. In particular, we devise a joint Caption Grounding and Generation (CGG) framework based on a Mask Transformer baseline. The framework has a novel grounding loss that performs explicit and implicit multi-modal feature alignments. We further design a lightweight caption generation head to allow for additional caption supervision. We find that grounding and generation complement each other, significantly enhancing the segmentation performance for novel categories. We conduct extensive experiments on the COCO dataset with two settings: Open Vocabulary Instance Segmentation (OVIS) and Open Set Panoptic Segmentation (OSPS). The results demonstrate the superiority of our CGG framework over previous OVIS methods, achieving a large improvement of 6.8% mAP on novel classes without extra caption data. Our method also achieves over 15% PQ improvements for novel classes on the OSPS benchmark under various settings.
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Brain midline shift (MLS) is one of the most critical factors to be considered for clinical diagnosis and treatment decision-making for intracranial hemorrhage. Existing computational methods on MLS quantification not only require intensive labeling in millimeter-level measurement but also suffer from poor performance due to their dependence on specific landmarks or simplified anatomical assumptions. In this paper, we propose a novel semi-supervised framework to accurately measure the scale of MLS from head CT scans. We formulate the MLS measurement task as a deformation estimation problem and solve it using a few MLS slices with sparse labels. Meanwhile, with the help of diffusion models, we are able to use a great number of unlabeled MLS data and 2793 non-MLS cases for representation learning and regularization. The extracted representation reflects how the image is different from a non-MLS image and regularization serves an important role in the sparse-to-dense refinement of the deformation field. Our experiment on a real clinical brain hemorrhage dataset has achieved state-of-the-art performance and can generate interpretable deformation fields.
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Normalizing flow is a class of deep generative models for efficient sampling and density estimation. In practice, the flow often appears as a chain of invertible neural network blocks; to facilitate training, existing works have regularized flow trajectories and designed special network architectures. The current paper develops a neural ODE flow network inspired by the Jordan-Kinderleherer-Otto (JKO) scheme, which allows efficient block-wise training of the residual blocks and avoids inner loops of score matching or variational learning. As the JKO scheme unfolds the dynamic of gradient flow, the proposed model naturally stacks residual network blocks one-by-one, reducing the memory load and difficulty of performing end-to-end training of deep flow networks. We also develop adaptive time reparameterization of the flow network with a progressive refinement of the trajectory in probability space, which improves the model training efficiency and accuracy in practice. Using numerical experiments with synthetic and real data, we show that the proposed JKO-iFlow model achieves similar or better performance in generating new samples compared with existing flow and diffusion models at a significantly reduced computational and memory cost.
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This paper introduces a learned hierarchical B-frame coding scheme in response to the Grand Challenge on Neural Network-based Video Coding at ISCAS 2023. We address specifically three issues, including (1) B-frame coding, (2) YUV 4:2:0 coding, and (3) content-adaptive variable-rate coding with only one single model. Most learned video codecs operate internally in the RGB domain for P-frame coding. B-frame coding for YUV 4:2:0 content is largely under-explored. In addition, while there have been prior works on variable-rate coding with conditional convolution, most of them fail to consider the content information. We build our scheme on conditional augmented normalized flows (CANF). It features conditional motion and inter-frame codecs for efficient B-frame coding. To cope with YUV 4:2:0 content, two conditional inter-frame codecs are used to process the Y and UV components separately, with the coding of the UV components conditioned additionally on the Y component. Moreover, we introduce adaptive feature modulation in every convolutional layer, taking into account both the content information and the coding levels of B-frames to achieve content-adaptive variable-rate coding. Experimental results show that our model outperforms x265 and the winner of last year's challenge on commonly used datasets in terms of PSNR-YUV.
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To facilitate research on text generation, this paper presents a comprehensive and unified library, TextBox 2.0, focusing on the use of pre-trained language models (PLMs). To be comprehensive, our library covers $13$ common text generation tasks and their corresponding $83$ datasets and further incorporates $45$ PLMs covering general, translation, Chinese, dialogue, controllable, distilled, prompting, and lightweight PLMs. We also implement $4$ efficient training strategies and provide $4$ generation objectives for pre-training new PLMs from scratch. To be unified, we design the interfaces to support the entire research pipeline (from data loading to training and evaluation), ensuring that each step can be fulfilled in a unified way. Despite the rich functionality, it is easy to use our library, either through the friendly Python API or command line. To validate the effectiveness of our library, we conduct extensive experiments and exemplify four types of research scenarios. The project is released at the link:
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One of the key challenges in deploying RL to real-world applications is to adapt to variations of unknown environment contexts, such as changing terrains in robotic tasks and fluctuated bandwidth in congestion control. Existing works on adaptation to unknown environment contexts either assume the contexts are the same for the whole episode or assume the context variables are Markovian. However, in many real-world applications, the environment context usually stays stable for a stochastic period and then changes in an abrupt and unpredictable manner within an episode, resulting in a segment structure, which existing works fail to address. To leverage the segment structure of piecewise stable context in real-world applications, in this paper, we propose a \textit{\textbf{Se}gmented \textbf{C}ontext \textbf{B}elief \textbf{A}ugmented \textbf{D}eep~(SeCBAD)} RL method. Our method can jointly infer the belief distribution over latent context with the posterior over segment length and perform more accurate belief context inference with observed data within the current context segment. The inferred belief context can be leveraged to augment the state, leading to a policy that can adapt to abrupt variations in context. We demonstrate empirically that SeCBAD can infer context segment length accurately and outperform existing methods on a toy grid world environment and Mujuco tasks with piecewise-stable context.
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Medical image quality assessment (MIQA) is a vital prerequisite in various medical image analysis applications. Most existing MIQA algorithms are fully supervised that request a large amount of annotated data. However, annotating medical images is time-consuming and labor-intensive. In this paper, we propose an unsupervised anomaly-aware framework with test-time clustering for optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) image quality assessment in a setting wherein only a set of high-quality samples are accessible in the training phase. Specifically, a feature-embedding-based low-quality representation module is proposed to quantify the quality of OCTA images and then to discriminate between outstanding quality and non-outstanding quality. Within the non-outstanding quality class, to further distinguish gradable images from ungradable ones, we perform dimension reduction and clustering of multi-scale image features extracted by the trained OCTA quality representation network. Extensive experiments are conducted on one publicly accessible dataset sOCTA-3*3-10k, with superiority of our proposed framework being successfully established.
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Multivariate time series forecasting constitutes important functionality in cyber-physical systems, whose prediction accuracy can be improved significantly by capturing temporal and multivariate correlations among multiple time series. State-of-the-art deep learning methods fail to construct models for full time series because model complexity grows exponentially with time series length. Rather, these methods construct local temporal and multivariate correlations within subsequences, but fail to capture correlations among subsequences, which significantly affect their forecasting accuracy. To capture the temporal and multivariate correlations among subsequences, we design a pattern discovery model, that constructs correlations via diverse pattern functions. While the traditional pattern discovery method uses shared and fixed pattern functions that ignore the diversity across time series. We propose a novel pattern discovery method that can automatically capture diverse and complex time series patterns. We also propose a learnable correlation matrix, that enables the model to capture distinct correlations among multiple time series. Extensive experiments show that our model achieves state-of-the-art prediction accuracy.
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Self-supervised representation learning follows a paradigm of withholding some part of the data and tasking the network to predict it from the remaining part. Towards this end, masking has emerged as a generic and powerful tool where content is withheld along the sequential dimension, e.g., spatial in images, temporal in audio, and syntactic in language. In this paper, we explore the orthogonal channel dimension for generic data augmentation. The data for each channel is quantized through a non-uniform quantizer, with the quantized value sampled randomly within randomly sampled quantization bins. From another perspective, quantization is analogous to channel-wise masking, as it removes the information within each bin, but preserves the information across bins. We apply the randomized quantization in conjunction with sequential augmentations on self-supervised contrastive models. This generic approach achieves results on par with modality-specific augmentation on vision tasks, and state-of-the-art results on 3D point clouds as well as on audio. We also demonstrate this method to be applicable for augmenting intermediate embeddings in a deep neural network on the comprehensive DABS benchmark which is comprised of various data modalities. Code is availabel at
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Due to the lack of human resources for mental health support, there is an increasing demand for employing conversational agents for support. Recent work has demonstrated the effectiveness of dialogue models in providing emotional support. As previous studies have demonstrated that seekers' persona is an important factor for effective support, we investigate whether there are benefits to modeling such information in dialogue models for support. In this paper, our empirical analysis verifies that persona has an important impact on emotional support. Therefore, we propose a framework for dynamically inferring and modeling seekers' persona. We first train a model for inferring the seeker's persona from the conversation history. Accordingly, we propose PAL, a model that leverages persona information and, in conjunction with our strategy-based controllable generation method, provides personalized emotional support. Automatic and manual evaluations demonstrate that our proposed model, PAL, achieves state-of-the-art results, outperforming the baselines on the studied benchmark. Our code and data are publicly available at
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